Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Yes, Fred will work for me on Friday. I will be joining JJ for the trip to Valentines, feeling certain this is what God wants for me. Everything has fallen into place perfectly.
Yesterday I stopped at the thrift store and found a toaster and an iron. WOOHOO!!
The list of things collected keeps growing and growing. There is still more promised from friends and family. At this point, we are thinking we'll have to lay the back seat down in JJ's car to be able to fit everything in and pack it tight. God is so awesome!!! He'll provide the space we need or a U-Haul if necessary- I wonder if they'd donate one in lieu of the fact that this is a mission of mercy in a devastated area? It's just a thought.
I hope to get some good pictures to share, but the main thing is to get the job accomplished.
I'll be posting more later as we get things gathered together and get our preparations finalized...

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