Sunday, July 09, 2006


"It is a sabbath of rest, and you must deny yourselves; it is a lasting ordinance."
Leviticus 16:31

According to scripture, today is a day of rest- one where you cease doing the work of the week, attend worship to 'recharge' and then to 'rest in Him'. Of course, there are some of us who are required to work today, and God has made provision for us.. in acts of mercy and necessity. I work in a hospital- you can't close the doors.
Growing up, we had the tv on in the evening when we got home from evening our youth programs at church. Ed Sullivan. Anyone remember him? It was a variety show. Singers, dancers, jugglers, mimes, .. you name it. When we moved to Butler, we did not have the tv on at all on the Sabbath. It was a quiet day where after the cows were tended, and we'd been to church, we had a big meal and then took a long afternoon nap. Ahhhhhhh........ pleasant! Of course, when we had children, we spent Sabbath afternoons at my Mom and Dad's home in Logan's Ferry. This was Dad's day to cook, and that is exactly what he did. He was a very good one too. Mashed potatoes with gravy, roast beef (sometimes chicken), and mostly fresh veggies and salad, rolls, and sometimes even dessert! Good memories.. Dad made sliced cucumbers and added mint to the vinegar dressing. It was always a refreshing day.

* * *
Well, did you know that today is Sugar Cookie Day? Not my favorite, but I'll eat them if there aren't any chocolate chip cookies available. Quite frankly, I'd rather have a nice chewy chocolate brownie with chocolate chips..... hmmmmmm I sound like my dad .. he was a chocoholic too.

It's gonna be a great day today.... pray for us.

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