Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wow.. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster.. and I don't like roller coasters.. not at all.
After a really rough night as far as sleep went, and then just feeling so sick at my stomach from overeating chicken, I woke up feeling not that bad. I've been in a pretty good state of mind all day.
I've made 2 pots of coffee, washed a bazillion dishes, hand laundry, made a big pot of chicken soup, took 2 bags of trash out to the can, and I'm ready to burn 2 more of paper. The trouble is that though it's not windy, it hasn't started to rain, and I don't burn papers unless my feet get wet on the way to the burn barrel.. not after 2 yrs ago in April when I set the woods afire. I haven't lived that one down yet..
I went out to mail the letter I forgot to send yesterday, and today's mail is already here.. only 3 hours early! Well, I had to get this paperwork in the mail, so I took off for the Renfrew Post Office and mailed it there. From the moment I stepped out the door till long after I got home, I coughed, sputtered, wheezed, and about cried from the pain in my chest and back. Oh.. it's gonna be a long spring/summer.
Wendell peeled some potatoes for me, and I made German pancakes..latkes. We all really love them and don't make them nearly often enough to suit any of us. So I'm hoping I can freeze a few for breakfast or whenever. I doubt there will be enough.
I need to locate somewhere where I can get a couple of 25# potatoes. This carrying 2-3 5# bags just isn't making it.. and we use them so fast!
Wendell got his movies today (a retirement gift of Netflix).. and I think we'll sit down tonite and watch some movies. I believe 2 Alfred Hitchcock films.. The Birds, and Rear Window. Then there was this program on PBS years ago that was soooooo good. It was called Connections. Anyone else remember that one? We have ordered at least 6 episodes (disks), and I know they will be worthwhile.

The latkes came out really good.. I am glad Charlie thinks to bring eggs.. I dropped one this afternoon.. yechhh.. what a mess.

I think I may take a little nap before JJ gets here tonite. It's a gorgeous day bloggers.. get out and enjoy it..and try not to wheeze..cough.. sputter.. Nuts!

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