Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Wendell went to see his PCP yesterday. He had a number of complaints, but his shoulder and arm were really bothering him a lot. The doctor sent him for a venous imaging of that arm and shoulder with the idea that there may be a clot there causing his symptoms. There is not. The report is negative. He also had a series of X-rays done on his arm and shoulder. We shall see later what these reveal. In the mean time, he now has another appointment with the orthopedic surgeon to look at that shoulder.. and perhaps inject it with cortisone to relieve the pain.

My evening at the hospital was the usual, but it was rather slow. At 7pm, the charge nurse asked me if I wanted to go home.. she didn't have to ask me twice. I finished up my work in record time and was out the door by 7:30pm.
I do wish my chair would show up. It is hard to work when the chairs are so uncomfortable. I'm short and my feet don't hit the floor when I sit in them. I feel like Edith Ann. Hahaha

It rained all the way home tonite.. a regular downpour. It was fabulous. I love rain like this.. no thunder and lightening.. just a lot of rain coming down. Lake Blair was quite full.
Though I have been weary all day, I am feeling more human and more like myself. I have some plans for tomorrow.. calling my patients for Thursday.. and then some cleaning in the bathroom that I've put off long enough. The walls need washed. I think I can do this without breaking anything.. like my leg....or my arm...
On Friday I hope to work on another shelf in the bathroom closet.. and in my spare time..the bedroom is still not done.. so that's where I'll be found.

Keep praying for us. We appreciate it always.

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