Friday, July 13, 2007


Yesterday I felt so crabby.. It had been a long long day, and when I came home, I was so beat. It happens now and again.

This morning I woke up in a sunny mood.. got my bath.. dressed, and put the insoles back in my old tennies- the ones that had all the water in them from a water balloon contest this past week. It made me remember.. and I had to go back to those pictures on the blog.
I may have been a crab yesterday for a while, but today my mood is definitely in the sunshine. I got through with my AM routines and then started on the kitchen table.. the one that put me in the crabby mood in the first place. So much "stuff" on it. I pulled out my trusty timer and then decided I'd just use the clock and time myself 15' to clean it all off and straighten up the kitchen. I don't even know what is on the agenda today officially, but I did know that I had fires burning everywhere.. so I set out to put them all out.
It's not perfect by any means, and far below where I was a week ago, but then, that is okay.. any improvement is success.. and I'm not going to obsess over it. I'm done.
I did work a little harder on the kitchen.. we had something strange happen here.. I lost my broom. Now, I know I've lost 2 tubes of toothpaste while cleaning... but how in the world does one lose their kitchen broom and the dust pan? I'm in a quandary. On Wednesday I asked Wendell to buy another new one for me.. that's 2 new ones in a month! I asked John if they might be upstairs.. he would know if the missing brooms and dustpans were there.. he said "no".. hadn't seen them. Well.. I'm baffled..
The floor is now swept and washed.. not perfectly, but at least improved. I still have a ton of towels in the bathroom needing washed.. but they are wet and I dare not put them in a hamper.. it's humid, and they'll get musty.
oh.. and I'm proud of me.. I even dusted! WOW! all that in 15' increments.. the porch and walk are swept and the yard still needs policed...perhaps tomorrow.
My smile is still there.. and on one of my breaks, I sat down and read my John 1. I have time.. it's fabulous.
Tonite I'll be working on the bedroom again.. hot spots everywhere! blazing fires to put out. It's not getting better yet.
I thought this morning again about being a perfectionist.. something I'm trying hard not to be. I was thinking about how thankful I am to have daughters who do my laundry for me so I don't have to strain my back trying to do it myself. Thanks girls.. you are a back saver and really really appreciated. I'm grateful for all the things you do to help me. And I no longer refold anything.. I put everything away just as you have folded it. Another big smile.. I'm learning.
I've also learned that washing the kitchen floor doesn't mean I have to put it off because I can't get down on my hands and knees to scrub it .. all the little crevices.. I've learned that to just give it a once over with a sponge mop does the trick fine.. it's clean and looks so much better. Perfectionism is on the wane..
Gotta get moving here.. we are having the pastor here this afternoon.. a real treat for us.
Have a great day..
I'll be back later..

1 comment:

Jthemilker said...

You said you swept the porch. Did you leave your broom outside?