Monday, September 25, 2006


Autumn is here.. so many gorgeous trees with leaves turning. I suppose we won't be seeing much of these sunflowers in the near future.. but they sure were beautiful.

The power was off for a few hours in the wee hours of the morning. It's always a stressor here- Wendell couldn't get ready for work and missed a day because of it. My CPAP stopped and woke me up gasping for breath.. I took it off and tried to sleep, but this morning I have such a headache. Apnea is likely the culprit.
Seems like the power has been going off and on about 2-3 times a week. That's a lot.

The weather report for today is supposed to be a sunny/partly cloudy one.. the high of 64. In the past 10 minutes the temperature has gone from 46 to 51. Looks like the day is well on it's way.
As for me, I'll be gainfully employed and need to hit the shower. Have a super fabulous day all..
Pray.. pray for us and for Nicki and Uncle Bob. Pray for our world leaders-- for hearts turned to Jesus. And pray for peace among all people.. that all would recognize Jesus and respond to his message of salvation.

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