Monday, September 04, 2006


JJ and I worked on a scavenger hunt for the 3 oldest children today.. the clues we thought were medium difficulty, but with the team effort, they asked the right people the right questions and got everything they had to find.

JJ gave the kids directions.. and off they went... Clue #1.. Soft and tickles.. long or short...
People used to write with them.
Comes from a hawk
Or maybe a quail
But check out the chickens, and you won't fail..

Clue #2..Can be used as a paper weight; found in the driveway; Papa calls them "clunkers".
If you throw them, you might hurt someone
could be wet.. could be dry
Pick a round one that catches your eye..

Clue #3 A Christmas treat shaped like a "J"
Ask a person whose name is the same..

Clue #4 Found on a special tree, shaped like a hand; Our street is named for the tree
Find a leaf and a fruit that squirrels love..
(They called our street Royal Elk Road.. yike!)

Clue #5 Find someone known for making brownies
Ask for an ingredient by name
Brown and sweet
Sounds like a smooch..

Clue #6 Eyes are blue, hair is brown
Wears a ball cap year round
The work she does holds your next clue
What would she deliver from me to you?

Clue #7 Mandy's clue held a letter in an envelope.. they had to read the letter to get the clue..
Dear Scavenger,
Used on the head
It's not a hat,
It takes out your tangles
After a nap
The person who holds this
To the family is new
He loves the one who delivered the clue..

clue #8 When you pull out the wand and give it a blow
Soapy circles appear
And just so you know..
You'll find this item
In an icy spot
And remember, David likes them a lot..

Clue#9 On the side of your head and used to hear
In Charlie's garden, you'll find one here..

Clue #10 Squirrels in a park gather these for winter.. Ask the person who sees them the most for one of these
tasty treats..

Named for yesterday, a cold tasty treat
Find all the items.. the prize you will greet
In a room full of dishes
A place to sit down
this treat is sure to prevent a frown !!!

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