Tuesday, September 12, 2006


When it rains, it pours.. or so it seems. Today Wendell came to the office for another appointment with the rheumatologist. His Xrays showed some startling things.. like bone on bone in his left knee.. the doctor says he needs a knee replacement and the sooner the better.
The right one actually gives him more pain, and no wonder.. he has some spurs that look like stalagmites you might see in a cavern. They have sharp points on them that are digging into the femur. OUCH! This is the knee he had injected with Cortisone to reduce the inflammation and swelling. So far, ice has not helped either. He has a slip to see a Physical Therapist for an evaluation. (Rick, you live too far away.)
As bad as the Xrays look, I'm amazed that he's been ambulatory at all. Poor guy feels like he's falling apart piece by piece.

1 comment:

Jthemilker said...

Oh - will I be getting to pull some more favors out of my friends up in the OR? Please consider Dr Spingola for the knee - He's the best!