Friday, September 29, 2006


HOORAY FOR FRIDAY !! It means the weekend is with us.
Unfortunately for me, or fortunately, looking at it from a mercenary point of view, I will be gainfully employed. I have to remind myself periodically that employment = health insurance which we vitally need.

So, did you all stay warm last night? Our temperature was in the low 40s.. and the expected high is only 54. We are on the downward slide into winter..

Mandy has the latest virus going around.. she's been miserable with sinusitis for several days, and today she's looking ghastly and has taken the day off. I'm trying hard NOT to get that virus. I'll have the Clorox out today and then the Lysol..

JJ has a post on things for which you are thankful.... I liked that idea.. perhaps visit her site and put your own items for thanksgiving there. I found it refreshing to be able to list 10 things.. uplifting. I could have gone on for 150 items, but I think that would be overwhelming for one to read through... though the thanksgiving is sincere.

It's morning. Wendell left for work some time ago. I've been reading- again. My real temptation is to just go back to bed for another hour or so. I'm still sleepy. But I need to work on my office schedule for my patients. It's still not quite right.

Well..... Off to begin my day.. lots to accomplish.
Have a fabulous day.. remember to pray.. be thankful and let your requests be known to the Father

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