Monday, September 11, 2006


Just as November 22, 1963 when our President John F Kennedy was shot and killed, we will likely all remember September 11, 2001 as a day of infamy when innocent victims were murdered at the hands of terrorists.

I can still visualize the horror I felt as I sat in Chemistry class while they broadcast the President's assassination over the PA. I didn't like Chemistry, but liked this even less. It was a time when everything stood still for days it seemed. It shocked the entire nation.

September 11 arrived one morning in 2001. I wasn't even dressed yet when my Mom came as fast as she could to our house, turned on our television and cried. "Our country is being attacked" she informed me. And we both sat down and watched the coverage on the tv.
Another horror.. and unbelief. How could this have happened? Horrified and stunned...and for many months we would hear of nothing else in the news. The strangest thing was that living near an airport, we are constantly aware of planes taking off and the flight paths go nearly overhead..... but for a time, not one plane was in the air... nothing. Total silence. Our country was wounded, but we would survive another day.

In both of these times, we were drawn closer to our Lord and he gave peace and comfort. I feel sorry for those who don't know Him~ it must be doubly hard to deal with the 'whys'.
For Christians, we know that every detail has already been planned for this world. And more important, we KNOW that God sits on His throne- and he is fully in charge of all things. He is the creator, we the creation. He has already told us to expect trials and tribulation.. but He is there to help us through it all, and the blessings await at the end.

So, just curious here....... where were you when John Kennedy was assassinated that day in November? And where were you when Satan and his leagues attempted to destroy us on September 11? Lest we forget.......


Anonymous said...

When I leared of JFK's assination I was watching a movie at San Diego State University. "What's up Jack" with Peter Sellers. I went to the College President's office and helped convince them to lower the flag to half-mast immediately. They did and I helped. I knew that this assination was BIG trouble for the country.

9/11 I was listening to a local talk show and the host said "Turn on your TV, we have just been attacked again." He went on to say that he was a pilot and if that was a small plane that hit the WTC then it had a huge bomb aboard. He said from the get-go that it was a large airliner and that it was deliberete. I agreed but it took some others 2, 3, and finally four major airlines down to get the big picture. Some still do not get it.

Jthemilker said...

I was not yet thought of in 1964...

For 9-11 I was working in the Medical Staff Office at the Hospital with Anna Silverio. She went to the doctor's lounge for coffee and returned to announce the disaster. The remainder of the day was spent watching the news in awe.