Friday, June 15, 2007


Oooo Ooooo... Check it out! The little train above has moved another inch down the track!!!! 231 days left as of today !!!!! Hot doggies !!!!
I get excited over the nuttiest things. To you, the almost imperceptible move of that little train isn't even a notable thing.. to me, it is a future lined with gold ! I'm so thrilled with even the slightest move of that little engine. I can remember a month ago wondering if it would ever move at all...maybe I set it up wrong? But no, it's now on the move and I couldn't be happier. Every day I check it out to see the new number posted for days left, and when I tell others I'm retiring, I tell them.. 231 days to go.. they always look at me strangely and then laugh. I laugh too, because I realize that they can't say the same. Hehehehehe

It's a sunny day here in WPA.. a glorious morning to wake up to. I'm feeling mighty good after a slow day yesterday. I always seem to wear myself out when I do the office work, but I still love it so much. I guess it's worth the tiredness after. I got little to nothing done yesterday here at home. I did make sure the routine stuff was done morning and evening, but supper? Every man for himself I'm afraid..
Wendell and I sat out on the swing for an hour or so.. watching the wild animals that were around us. Groundhogs boldly walking out into the garden.. Bunnies hopping across the yard happily.. and then the hawks above us.. There were 3 of them .. and one tiny little bird who gave the one quite a beating in mid-air. That was one spunky little bird! He attacked that hawk relentlessly until the hawk moved on after taking several tumbles.
Amazing creatures..The day was beautiful and sunny.. fluffy white clouds.. big ones.. and it was nearly breathtaking to observe the hawks soaring so high against those white clouds.
We were noticing all the birds.. tiny little ones flying by us .. couldn't even identify them. And the robins busy in the yard picking up food and flying back to their nests. We can almost figure where their nests are by watching.
One pair of robins hopped within 6' of me as I sat on the swing.. didn't seem frightened at all.
We listened to all the tweeting and singing and the clucking of Charlie's girls next door. We spotted a female cardinal..perched on the swing set in the yard. Never saw any male.. but I'm sure he was around.
It was all so relaxing. I'm glad we live in a rural area. One could not observe all the wildlife in the city.
I'm so impressed by the greenery.. something I can still remember longing for last winter. The flowers are changing again.. The new ones will be blooming soon. It's such a pleasure to watch the changes.

Later I went inside and found that my energy levels were still sapped, and I had no strength to do anything for even 5 minutes.. so I sat down and rested inside too.. sometimes you just have to rest and relax to get re-energized.
I'm gainfully employed today. I have errands to run, but will do that on my way to work today. I am slowly getting my strength back.. and though routines have not been started yet.. I have put away laundry- 2 baskets of clean clothes and towels. It's something that has needed done and I've avoided it for several days.
Right now I'm enjoying my coffee and reading the email. It's a slow start day, but I'll get moving when I'm done here.
I think today's hot spot will be the kitchen table.. it's starting to look cluttered again and needs attention. Then on to the bathroom again for 15 minutes of cleaning.. I'm tossing the old bathroom rugs. I'll be looking for some smaller new ones in the next couple weeks. Of course, the linen closet needs attention too.. I'll check out what I can do and perhaps pitch the clutter there for whatever time remains. I like to take the big waste basket from the kitchen with me when I do that kind of decluttering.. I can pitch into a black plastic bag and then tie it up so I don't go back to see what I've tossed out on the spur of a moment.. Nothing I'd miss for sure.. except my toothpaste, of course.. I still don't know how I did that.

On to the day..... have a wonderful one... pray for us, our nation and those in power.

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