Thursday, June 14, 2007


We love our country. Many of us have felt the impact of the sacrifices of our individual families for our freedom and the freedom of other parts of the world. These are patriots.. people willing to give their very lives for the love of family and freedom in our land. We are also patriots and must remember the single act of patriotism that has made our country the great nation it is, and that is prayer. These United States were founded and grounded on prayer and thanksgiving to God who provided it and the idea of freedom.
Our present day historians may try to block this out of history books, but they cannot. There will always be a remnant that remembers what they were taught in elementary school. Many will not remember Bible reading and prayer in classrooms.. I do. It was a sad day when God or the very mention of His name was banned from our schools. Our patriotism started to deteriorate at that point. No longer are our children taught to pledge allegiance to the flag of our country. They are not taught how to respect the flag or the country which they will inherit one day.
They are not encouraged to have the well earned respect of veterans from all the wars before.. those men who made this country great and strong- so that they have the freedoms that they do. Much is forgotten when it is not made a part of daily teaching.

A pleasant day to you all.. pray for our nation and the President and his congress... pray for us.

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