Thursday, June 07, 2007

Good morning.. it's nearly 6:30am and I'm up, showered, face on, dressed, and ready to start my day. It's office day today. I only have 3 patients to see today as 2 cancelled. It'll be short and sweet, I'll do planning for the next couple of weeks today, then spend the rest of the day at home doing some scheduled cleaning.

We are having pork chops tonite. I'm putting them in the crockpot before I leave and turning it on 'low' setting so they don't overcook too badly. By supper, they should be just right.. add to that some veggies and a salad, and we should be just fine.

The temperature this morning is 55 degrees.. should hit nearly 90- different from the past couple spring days when it hovered around the 70s.. so very pleasant.. anything other than ice and snow is wonderful!

I'm off to empty the dishwasher, get breakfast and take my meds.. then slip in one 15' task before going to work.
Last night I took 30' to empty the cupboard with dishes, sort and pitch, and then put all the dishes remaining in one cupboard, leaving the first one for pantry items that had been on the microwave stand. It looks good. All the cupboards in the kitchen are wiped down- I was shocked at the amount of grime they had accumulated.
So today after office is over, I'll be cleaning out some kitchen drawers and again pitching all the nonsensical items we have saved for a rainy day... hmmmm... seems like we've had a few of those, and still haven't used anything out of the drawer.

Have a super day.. Pray for us.

I will honor you, my God, the King. I will praise your name for ever and ever.

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