Sunday, June 17, 2007


Sometimes I amaze myself. I really do. Yesterday I did a 15' clean up of the linen closet- 1 shelf. It was the worst one. I had cleaned the medicine chest this past week, and somehow lost my toothpaste. Not to worry, I had another in the linen closet. But last night when I was ready to brush my teeth, my newest tube of toothpaste was gone, and yes, it had been on that shelf I cleaned hastily. Oh, brother..... Not again!?
I'm not about to search through trash to find it. It's a loss. I had filled a black garbage bag with trash and excess clutter from the closet- I suppose that's where it is.
On the positive side, the linen closet is coming along, and looking a lot better.
I did spend 5' on the kitchen table too.. it was becoming a hot spot. I'll be working on the bedroom this coming week, though I have several shelves in the bathroom to finish yet. They need a once over 15' apiece decluttering session, so I'll give some attention to that also this week.
My bedroom is a formidable challenge. I am ready to face that challenge now. No matter how bad I've cluttered it up, it'll be okay. I can do this.

I have gainful employment on Monday and PT on Tuesday and Wednesday. Office fits in there somewhere, though I won't have to be there on Wednesday and Thursday.. I do have to attend to making sure everything is there for my assistant.

It's almost 4am.. I've been up since 3am with a nasty back-ache.. spasms from my 'wings' down to my tail. I'm going to apply some ice in a few moments, and the TENS to try to get it slowed down so I can go to church this morning. The Baclofen doesn't seem to be working. Wendell says his elbow has been aching badly, and Jane also is having a back problem.. so I'm guessing it's the weather and expect rain. I am careful not to overdo these days..and really didn't yesterday. I seem to be accomplishing a lot - progressing nicely, but am so careful to not do the bending and lifting that causes me distress.

It's now almost 5:30am.. I need to go back to bed with some ice for a while..
Enjoy the day.. Pray for us..

1 comment:

Jthemilker said...

I'm going to have to make you a "Toothpaste on a string" -- you know... like soap on a rope. LOL