Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 21..Monday evening, we noted the robin's nest in our mountain laurel.. one solitary egg.

Today there are 3 little robin eggs in the same nest.. and a mama robin in a close by tree who scolds us for looking!

Peach trees are in blossom

A brilliant lonely forsythia in the yard
This is the bush that the chickens run under when there is danger
No wonder it's so brilliant! Lots of manure!

I couldn't do much of a walk tonite. I noticed as soon as I got out of my car that I was starting to get stuffy... and cough... and then my voice was going fast.. Allergies.
So I quickly snapped the above pictures... and the asparagus will have to wait for tomorrow if I'm breathing better then.
(Peak flows were 300/270/300... not too bad, but not good either.)

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