Saturday, April 05, 2008

It's to be a lovely day today.. some clouds and nearly 60 degrees... how I LOVE spring.. did I mention that before? It is gonna be a gooooooood day!
I have a perimeter walk planned already and then I'm off to get some supplies.. water, yogurt, cottage cheese, and some whole grains to accommodate my present diet.
I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go.. I have to admit, I woke up once last night coughing..and coughing... and coughing.. an ever present reminder that the asthma is still here.
It gets a bit frustrating, but so far today, I'm not doing any more coughing..AMEN
I'm planning to work a bit in the little bedroom though it'll be slow going, but every 15 minute session is a positive one. I have the second bag of trash half full and will take my 2 bags out later this morning. It's still early- not even 7:30am.
I can't help but wonder how my dear hubby is doing up north.. I do hope his day is pleasant. I can't say I don't miss him.. I do. But that which he stands to gain is so much more important and valuable than a little loneliness for a while. We'll be fine.
I'm gathering a load of laundry and will head to the laundromat probably next week.. one small load at a time. I don't think my shoulders will take more.
Yesterday I finally got tired of fighting the seat on the commode.. now that paints a picture, eh?
So I went out and bought a new one and installed it myself. It wasn't difficult by any means.
It looks nice, and I found out why the other one kept moving around.. plastic nuts that were broken on both sides.
Lots to do today..

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