Friday, April 18, 2008


IgE can trigger the most powerful immune responses in the human body. Average is ~75 and top normal is <115. I got the results of mine today..
230. I guess I have some allergies. The next part of the testing should show some of the more common things that I am allergic to.
I was so impressed with my peak flow last 310, I was nearly ecstatic. It is still in the caution zone, but closer to control. And then I got up this morning and it was horrific. On the third try I finally got to 230. UGH! I feel like a yoyo!
I shouldn't have gone outside, but I'd promised to do some office work today, and felt the need to comply.. so I went.. it took hours before I felt my lungs calm down.

Today was WEIGH IN day for Wendell. He's been working hard on his diet/exercise program. We all expected some minor miracles here, but this morning was a total shock. Wendy called me to say he'd GAINED 20# and his legs/feet were very swollen. I guessed the weight gain was from that.. and they called his PCP here in Butler and had him order a potent diuretic for him at a local pharmacy. Lasix works great. Monday he'll have some labs drawn and we'll see how it does over the weekend. I'm guessing that by Monday he'll be down at least 20#.

It was the most beautiful day here in Butler. 79 incredible degrees and so sunny! Tomorrow will be nearly a repeat of today at 75 degrees, but with a chance of isolated thunderstorms.
Charlie had the garden plowed today. It's a little smaller than previous years, but still huge. I can't wait for that first red ripe juicy tomato! Yummy! AND.. On Sunday I'm planning to go out and check the asparagus too! If it rains and it's still warm, there should be some spears popping up in the next couple of days.

I'm heading to bed early tonite. I want to get a head start tomorrow on the bedrooms. I've been so behind all week and not making ANY progress at all.. and then dishes.. oh, my .. the dishes too! I'll get them in the morning. For now, I'm going to turn on some good music and just relax the rest of it.
More tomorrow.........

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