Sunday, April 27, 2008


Walking the perimeter is good exercise for me.. one day I'll go one direction and another day the opposite for variation.. But I always see something new each time I go out.. I witness the blossoming of trees and flowers and sometimes I'm fortunate enough to see wild animals. Other than our family robin who thinks our mountain laurel is her condominium, I saw no others.
I did spot something on the driveway however, and I wondered how it got there. No trees close by.. but the evidence of a robin egg was there broken and just a few pieces of it's shell..

There is no real order to these pictures I took on my walk today.. that would be too taxing on my mind when I already have a splitting headache from allergies. I still love the walk.
This is my burning bush which was so vibrant red last fall. It's back with all it's greenery..

This is Mandy's lilac bush. This year there aren't a lot of blooms, but they are fragrant and just getting started.
In the woods behind the house grow mayapples. You can note that the underbrush is still not present after the fire 2 yrs ago this month.

"I survived in '85" when the tornado passed behind our house. The boy scouts came around and gave us trees to plant because we'd lost so many in the woods. These are crabapple trees.. and these ones are pink.
These are the white crabapple blossoms.. so very beautiful. In another day or so, they will both be in full bloom.. The trees line our driveway for the most part, and in the fall, the deer come to feast daily on the fruits.
This is a tiny bit of my asparagus patch. It is in a long row that is next to our road. It gets salted in the winter, but always comes back. There are 2 spears here.. By next month they will be everywhere and as big around as your thumb... my favorite!

I took a picture of this last week when it was just beginning to bloom.. it's bridal wreath, and is so delicate and beautiful.. much like baby's breath.
This is a good starting point for the garden.. it's plowed and disked. The tomato cages are standing awaiting the new plants for the year. Yes, we have a big garden.

I think this is called a firebush..

Redbud.. I remember when it was just a twig.

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