Saturday, October 04, 2008


In the medical world, the symbol of a triangle means "change". As I listen and read news, it's what I hear all the time... 'Change'.
Seems to me that with the economic crisis and the outlook for a socialistic government on the horizon, I have had about all the 'change' I want to experience for the next decade.
Things were a lot better before our patriotic congress, in response to their constituents, threw caution to the wind as well as aforesaid constituents under the bus, and decided to take things into their own hands..
Of course, nothing makes this great land feel so secure as to have a 'truth squad' out there waiting behind bushes ready to pounce on, and arrest anyone who might just have a differing opinion than that of one of our candidates for the highest office in the land. I was under the assumption I lived in the land of the 'free'? I'm struggling to understand this announcement in America.
Of the two candidates for President.. I wish there were a third one who actually lived on his/her principles. We have the liar on one hand and the lackluster war hero on the other. I have to vote for the latter, (though in recent days I wonder if he really WANTS to be elected), as he has made one superb choice in Sarah Palin for his VP. She is a person we middle class Americans can actually relate to- someone with real ideals that are reachable, someone who is honest, and who really is energetic to promote the well being of the country.. a patriot. Someone who believes and knows that government works best when it's small. Government of the people, by the people and for the people. AND she passes my litmus test for a government position that begins with number one issue: abortion. It's the #1 test of whether someone has respect for human life (mine as well as an unborn infant's life). Without it, we are doomed.
I'm disappointed in our government, but not defeated. I believe that God has a magnificent plan for us all and we just have to be patient to see (or maybe not in this life) the results of the mess we are now in. It occurs to me that those who are unbelievers in Christ have nothing to give them encouragement.. sad. They have no anchor in life and just bounce around as the wind moves them. These folks have no firm foundation and are swayed by every other commercial that they see on tv.
By the way, has anyone else been watching the Obama birth certificate fiasco? He should really present the original one if there is one to be had. Otherwise, the Constitution says he's not eligible. I've followed this for several months now, and it appears he may not have a legit certificate.. something to watch.
Gettin' off the soapbox now...

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