Monday, October 13, 2008

Gray Squirrel

Ever see a mad squirrel? They are about as funny as anything I can think of. We have gray squirrels in our trees around our yard. They live high among the branches of the maples and oaks. Wendell and I like to sit outside and watch the wildlife. You've seen lots of our deer and groundhog pictures. But lately, we've been watching the squirrels. They get very testy about being chased by Charlie's chickens.. but today was over the top. It seems that Gray was out in the yard digging for nuts he'd buried.. out in the open. Wendell watched one of Charlie's cats sneaking up on Gray..closer and closer, hunkered down and getting ready to pounce. Gray is cautious .. I think mainly because the chickens keep him on the alert constantly. He's been pecked at and chased up a tree more than once.
The cat was about to jump when Gray caught it in his eye.. and off he ran. Wendell said he never knew a squirrel could move that fast.. more like a flash. The cat was in hot pursuit, but gave up when Gray got to the tiny end branches of the tree. From that point on, the cat lost interest and walked away from the area.. but the squirrel continued its tirade for a good 30 minutes.. That was one indignant little rodent. I'm sort of glad I don't speak squirrel.. I think there were 4 letter squirrel words that my tender ears wouldn't have liked. It's tail told a story of it's own.. You just knew this little animal was insulted and cursing that cat.

When the tirade was over we watched Gray move through the trees around our house. I'm awed by their elegance and grace as they move from bough to bough.. and some of them weren't any bigger than my little finger.. 2 or 3 times he actually jumped from one tree branch to another over 6-8' spans. They never seem to lose their footing.

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