Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Full Moon

Full Moon tonite. I wondered. If you read or listen or even watch the news, stranger things are going on.. People seem more volatile and chaos seems like it's on overdrive.
As a nurse, I've seen it all.. and when I had my Psych affiliation as a student nurse, we lived among the patients and I can still remember the Psychiatrist educator telling us all to lock all of our pens, pencils, anything sharp, etc the week of the full moon. The patients were paid to clean our dorm rooms, and they would take these items if they weren't locked up, and this was especially around the full moon. He also told us that though we should be on our guard every day, the week of the full moon we should be extra aware, as patients did strange and erratic things.. more than usual. Suicides were increased, and attacks on others were too, and we didn't want our favorite pen to be used as a weapon.
He convinced me.. and later I saw it when I worked on the OB unit in the Labor Room. The drop in barometric pressure dramatically and the full moon brought patients in by the crowd.
The ER would be hopping as well as the labor room.

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