Friday, October 10, 2008

It's going to be a busy Friday.. lots of cleaning to do and then I missed getting my allergy shots this week.. oddly, the doors were locked when I tried to enter the big office building. So I'll try again today after lunch.
I've been spending too much time in the evenings on the computer. I have to adjust this. John has connected me to broadband, and I am like a child with a new toy. I can now view videos .. and I've been watching YouTube.. lots to see on the Covenanters and our history in Scotland. Then the music videos! Oh, wow! I've been saving my favorites on my computer. It's really nice.
Let me suggest also the Milligantown Theological Society.. you can click on it on the list at the right of this page toward the bottom. No longer do I have to wait 20 minutes to hear 5 words ! Hooray!!!!!!!
The stock market is crashing.. I'm going to keep on living. I feel sorry for those invested with 401K plans... and wonder what will happen to Social Security. God keeps providing for us- I urge you to place your security in Him.
I do wish government would grow smaller instead of ballooning.. it's not a good deal.

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