Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So much is happening in our world.. we seem to be spiraling so fast it makes one dizzy. I have decided that I need to collect my thoughts and make a short list of the things I BELIEVE IN... sort of a "reality check". I may add to it at a later date.

1. Faith
I believe that the Bible is the actual word of God.
As a Christian, I am ever mindful of the price that was paid for me 2000 years ago.
I am not perfect, but saved by grace.
I don't just believe it, I live it, and I see it in the mundane things that occur every day. I believe I live in the most exciting and awesome time in history, watching God's perfect plan unfold before me.
Many times I need a reality check when I see the negative and evil in this world, the dismantling of my country, the intense wickedness of the world, and with the aid of the internet, these things become very clear.
But with the reality check, I can sit quietly in prayer and find peace and comfort and contentment with my own situation knowing God controls all facets of my life, and though some things seem insurmountable, He is a powerful and almighty God who loves and cares for me personally.
He seeks only my good, and I am thankful.
I believe in a literal Heaven where at my death I will be with Jesus- alive and well without asthma or arthritis or any of the aches and pains and stresses of this world.
I plan to be there forever.. that's eternity.
I also believe in a literal Hell where those who reject the gospel message of our arisen Christ and his saving power will spend eternity.
I am frightened for those who will be there- a place of torment with fire, bugs, monstrous devils, worms.. and no water, no relief of pain, and where God is not present for eternity.
I believe that Satan and his minions are alive and working overtime in our world today to claim as many souls in this world that they can before this world ends in it's present state.
2. Family
I believe in my beautiful family.. that they are a rich blessing to me.
I believe that God has instilled in them certain attributes that they return to me a hundred fold.
Certainly we are not the perfect family, but that just makes us realize our need of a savior who forgives us.
We support each other whatever the trials we face. Whether it's financially or with prayer or just offering a helping hand, we are there for each other and willingly give. The blessing in return is awesome.
God has blessed me with a faithful husband and children who are loving and considerate.
He's blessed our children with incredible spouses. And the whole family is blessed with the children.. the youngest ones.
He's blessed us all with employment through our lives, and though we are not millionaires, we have everything we need when we need it.
God is so very awesome. He lives in our lives and we feel his presence.
3. Nation
Well, what can one say? Our nation was formed on Christian principles and though there are some who would like that to not be so.. and even go so far as to re-write history books, that just doesn't make it so.
My belief is that which is found in scripture:

2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I pray and desire that the people of our country would return to their roots and to God, asking Him for mercy for us all.

I pray that evil will not overcome our nation and destroy it totally.

The candidates we have for our President disturb me greatly. One seems to be ruled by the Father of Lies and is actively seeking through fraud and his criminal friends to destroy us.

The other, one who actually has served this country and loves it, also doesn't seem to really want to be elected, though there are so many of us who would like him to speak up.

I don't agree with him, but I see Marxism and communism as non choices for America.

I believe that abortion is wrong. Murder is wrong.. I go back to scripture: 'thou shalt not kill'.

I believe that Political correctness is wrong. I also believe there is hope for our future.

I believe that there is one sin that is unpardonable, that of rejecting the Holy Spirit who nudges us to believe the gospel message that Christ died for us, arose, and is waiting for us.

I also believe that if you change your way, believe, embrace the gospel, ask Jesus to forgive you, that you will be forgiven and saved from the wrath that is coming- And it is coming.

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