Monday, September 17, 2007


39 degrees.. brrrrrr! I was awakened at 6am by shivering.. brrrrrr! it's cold! We should get to about 71 today.. fall has arrived.

Good night at work yesterday. I had 2 admissions all evening and finally went home around 10pm.
It was nice to go home a little early. I was so tired .. I do better when there is a steady stream of work instead of 'nothing' to do.

It's Monday.. blah.. I hope the day soon improves- I'm looking forward to it.
I think I need to get out my "I'm thankful for" list and review it..
I woke up this morning
I can walk
I'm not coughing
I have a blanket to wrap in when I'm cold
I made coffee.. running water.. plenty of food
I have warm clothing to wear
I have a loving family
Working indoor plumbing
Roof over my head
Splendid garden full of veggies
Eggs from Charlie
I can still read my Bible without fear of being imprisoned
137 days to retirement
I am blessed richly
Have a super day everyone.. catch ya later

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