Sunday, September 30, 2007

this 'n that

I'm feeling tired this morning. 2 evenings of work and I feel shot down. The full moon has certainly been evident. One of the girls last night said there were 9 babies born over the full moon.
WHEW! I remember those days in the labor room only too well. I remember saying to my boss the next morning "I don't like working at your house".. hehehe. Yes, I had attitude. It seemed so overwhelming at that time. 2 nurses and 8 laboring moms.. too much. Lots of stress, at least that's the way I felt. Nursing has changed completely from when I first began. It's a good thing I suppose, but right now I see patients on the general med/surg floor that used to be ICU patients.

I didn't get to sleep till after 2am. There is good reason to be tired. I have another day of it today.
We got slammed in a sense last night. It felt like a slow motion slam.. one after another after another- admissions... till we filled the unit. The last one I signed off at 11:35pm. I was the lone secretary on my unit, and when I asked for the night secretary, she was already assigned another floor to help for the next few hours. So I did the last admit myself.
I'm off Monday. 124 days to go.
It occurred to me yesterday that before October is over I'll be at less than 100 days before I can be relieved of my hospital duties. It can't come fast enough.

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