Monday, October 22, 2007


Every season has it's own brand of beauty.. even winter..Fall is a glorious time when leaves turn brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows.. such blends no man could think up on his own..

My burning bush is becoming scarlet at the bottom and is bearing seed

One cannot appreciate this maple in our front yard, but
when the sun shines on it, it's spectacular

Every year Mandy and John carve pumpkins. They have a kit that gives them an assist, but the carving is all done by hand. We have had some pretty unique ones in the past.. but here's what they did tonite:

John and his 'little friend' or is that 'fiend'?

Mandy and her buddy

John's has a mean face

Mandy's has a happy smile

Finishing up.. cleaning out the guts

John cleaning the guts out of his

Frick and Frack
with the flash

And without

1 comment:

Jthemilker said...

Oh those are just darling... the pumpkins I mean! HA!

Feeling better?