Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today is office day. Normally at 8am, I'd be walking in and then preparing for the day. Not so today. I asked Kathy to get us started as we only have 8 infusions to do all day. It's hard for me to stretch upward to hang the bags, so she's gone in early before me to do those preparations for the day. I'll mosey on in around lunch time to finish up the day. It's all good.
I am so very grateful and thankful for Kathy.

It snowed a bit last night but not enough to cause any driving distress. It's cold too.. it was 21 when I got up at 7am, but has dropped to 19 at the moment. The high is to be 22 with snow.. off and on and no appreciable amount. God is good. He has given me good driving days and my prayer is that He will keep our Thursdays safe for us.. not just me, but the staff and the patients who are elderly for the most part (though not all).

I've been searching for Wendell's birth certificate. I need it for my retirement papers. It's the only thing missing. I had it last year for his retirement.. we had mine made too then. I had them in a little drawer so I'd be able to have them on hand when needed (like now). But in the last months, they have disappeared, and for the life of me, I don't know what we did with them. I thought perhaps they got put in the locked box, but they aren't there either. Neither of us remembers taking them out so what happened to them? I never heard of a birth certificate fairy.
If I don't find them today we will be making a trip to New Castle to get a new copy Friday morning. The paperwork is all due Friday. I will call to make sure I don't have an extra couple days to get that particular paper in. Everything else is in order.
Doors have opened widely for us giving me the assurance that this is within God's will. Not that I ever doubted, but it is just reassuring.
Feeling good today. Looking to a great day once again.

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