Saturday, May 20, 2006


It's evening. Boy has this been a low energy day.. and I started out so well.
I've been able to accomplish just a few light tasks, and then I had to lay down for a nap. I set the clock for 1 hour, and 2 1/2 hrs later I woke up. I'd fallen asleep so fast and slept hard. I'm still tired. I'll sleep tonite no matter.

Last evening at work I started sneezing suddenly and coughing. I got very congested very fast and then my nose was stuffy. This morning I got up the same way. Allergies. No fever, sudden onset = I'm allergic to something. I would guess dust-we have a lot of it here and my desk at work had dust bunnies behind the computer. Could be. I don't know- there's a lot of stuff coming off the trees too. I'm not sick, just very tired and I'm still coughing, sneezing, and stuffy.
Wendell mowed grass today too. Could very well be another reason for the tiredness and symptoms. Hmmmmm

The good news is I'm on my feet and getting around!!
So I'm back at the kitchen trying to get things in order for tomorrow.
We are having crock pot chicken! Yummy!
Okay.. it's back to work for me for another hour or so.
G'nite all........

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