Monday, May 29, 2006


It was a very pleasant drive across the state. I arrived at Acre Lake around 3:30pm last evening. The trip was uneventful. The weather was fabulous.
I enjoyed watching Isaac cast his line into the lake and pull out fish, each one larger than the one before. Gayle would run to him when he caught one, and reach her hands up to touch it. Esther loves to handle the fish too, and wanted to toss them back into the water. They sure love to fish.
Isaac also carried in a dead snake he'd found in the water. Cory finally had to give it a burial out in the middle of the lake because the kids just wanted to hold it all the time. It was in early stages of decomposition, so not too pleasant for anyone.
Cory's dad's birthday is the day before Isaac's, and since Isaac had a big party planned with the Reptile Company, we had a party for Poppy yesterday after a picnic supper. Oh, so much fun! Each of the children had shopped at the dollar store for him- Essie was about to squeak, she was so proud of her gift- a ball cap. Pretty good choice. Isaac chose a tool belt which was also a super good gift. Gayle chose a Swiss pocket knife- really pretty good choices.
We had ice cream cake- with caramel sauce and chocolate buttons and whipped cream on top. I passed on it as I'd already had a piece of chocolate cake- heavenly!
Wendy and I came back via Rob's Market in my car and Cory brought in 3 sleeping children later in the evening.
We were sooooo tired. I slept in Esther and Gayle's bed last night. Very comfy.
This morning we all were up around 7:30am- the kids standing there each holding a bag for me! I got treated with dollar store gifts! So sweet- Esther gave me a beautiful picture frame and a BIG hug! Gayle's bag held a scented candle!!!! Oh, so wonderful! Very spicy and nice.. I also got a BIG smile and hug! Isaac gave me his bag with a brush in it. Wendy said she thought he meant a hair brush, but it was a toilet bowel brush- everyone can use one of those! Hey! Thanks kids!
Then it was MY turn to give gifts... I gave each gift and took a picture of each one for those who sent packages.
Wendell, he loves the silly dinosaur.. it was worth it!
It's Memorial Day today and we are going later to the cottage for a repeat of yesterday. In the mean time, I was able to help the kids clean up the play room while Wendy straightened the kitchen and started laundry.
It's another beautiful day coming up.
Note to Wendell: the kids send their love and have asked where you were several times now. They wish you were here too.
More blog later..

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