Friday, May 19, 2006


Yesterday I had the doctor look at my foot again. Morton's neuroma has crippled me to the point where I feel like I can't function normally. The injections last week helped for an hour or so, but then the swelling toes and feet continued. So he gave me a script for Medrol and I went home with a little hope of finally getting over this. I was so tired last night that I went to bed before 8pm, and then woke up at midnight. I cautiously got up to the bathroom and realized that though the foot still has a goodly amount of tenderness, it is definitely not AS tender as when I went to bed, and the swelling is starting to recede- my toes don't look like little sausages any more! The Medrol is starting to work! Thank you Lord for good doctors and medicines that can resolve the inflammation!
Medrol is a corticosteroid and is used for all sorts of inflammation. It gives prompt relief, as I have noted. I'm not one who likes to use the steroids, in fact, I stay clear of them as much as possible, till I can't deal with a problem any more. For me, it's a last resort before the surgeon.
Another couple days on this, and I should be good to go..

Just a quick side note.. 2 days ago I got up and tried to get myself dressed. You wouldn't believe how much toes have to do with balance. My toes on my left foot were so swollen that my balance has been 'off' for days and I've had to rely on the quad cane by times to keep me upright. It was in the morning that day that I was trying to put on a pair of slacks in the bedroom and suddenly lost my balance and fell ... right into the closet! Hehehehe... it is probably the only time in my life that I would be thankful that my closet was so stuffed and packed with clothes and soft items- I've been cleaning the bedroom and everything tends to get piled in front. The items there broke my fall and rendered me unharmed....... well, just my pride... and I was so glad no one else was there to witness it... they would have laughed at the sight! It was pretty funny after I realized I didn't break anything- including bones!

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