Saturday, May 27, 2006


The war in Viet Nam is one very close to my life. In this war, I lost many of my high school classmates. One day we graduated and in a few months we saw the names again in the news- died in action. Young men whose bright futures were snuffed out in a matter of moments it seemed. They gave their very lives for freedom's cause.
Wendell also served in Viet Nam. He was drafted, then enlisted and went to Radar school at Ft Monmouth New Jersey. Soon after graduation, he was shipped out to Viet Nam. He spent his time at Vinh Long watching the radar screen. He sent me a recording of actual incoming mortar rounds- he was running to the bunker for shelter, and once inside the recording reveals the excitement and fears of those with him.
He sent home pictures of the countryside and has many memories- some good, some not so good. He doesn't talk about the bad times.
This Memorial Day weekend, we will be thinking a lot about the valiant men and women who selflessly serve on our behalf. Please take a look at the WALL erected to honor those who died serving this great nation in Viet Nam.

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