Monday, May 01, 2006


"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable." Isaiah 40:28

I'm starting to feel weary. I'm so thankful that God doesn't and is able to keep me going. After 2 evenings at the hospital, and a 3rd one today, I do feel the effects. It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm overworked or have had 2 easy nights there (which I have). I've been the lone secretary on my unit that is usually tended by 2 secretaries. It hasn't been bad. Quite the opposite. But my body gets so tired from the regimented up at 8am and to bed at 1am the next day, with all the activity in between.
Wendell has gone to see the cardiologist- his first trip out by himself. It was sort of a force play in that if I got up at 6:30am to go with him, I'd not have had enough sleep to make it to midnight tonite. Hopefully all will be well physically with him. I see no reason for any other choice. He's done very well, and though he doesn't care to do his walking, he needs to do this to return to his job in another 8 weeks hopefully.
I have been in contact with a cousin from my mother's side of the family. He sent me some old pictures with identifications. This is such a delight to me. I haven't done much with the family history for quite a while. I'd been compiling photos to put on another blogsite,listed to the right of this posting- IMM BEST CONNECTION - when his e-mail arrived. I have been seriously considering posting my mother's journals online in yet another blog. It would be time consuming, but like the photos, I'd be doing only a little at a time.
I need to get moving on my day. It will be another long one. Enjoy the sunshine and keep praying !!!!

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