Saturday, April 08, 2006


My life revolves around lists, my days are regimented by them. I used to remember thngs easily, but as I get older, "lists" have moved into the space in my brain once occupied by "memory". Wendell can become annoyed with me for all my lists, for most of the time, I can't locate them when I need them. Even this posting is a list of lists. I'm sure you can associate and probablly add your own categories.
Who doesn't make one? I carefully write down all the things we will need in the next few days, and then when I go to the grocery, it usually remains on the table where I left it at home.

Many times this one is just in my head. It involves keeping track of prescriptions so we don't run out of the critical ones .. like insulin. It hasn't ever happened, but without the list, who knows what could have happened?

This one gives me a general idea of what I need to accomplish in the near future- like sweeping the floors, cleaning off the table, washing dishes, laundry, and of course, making a new grocery list. This one gathers a lot of dust, as I don't seem to get many things done on the 'list'. One might also call it the "GUILT LIST".

Also known as my pocket calendar. It also includes the BIRTHDAY LIST, THE ANNIVERSARY LIST, as well as THE DOCTOR APPOINTMENT LIST, my WORK SCHEDULE, and THE VNA NURSE APPOINTMENT LIST. Within the VNA LIST, they have included for my amusement, the DAILY BLOOD GLUCOSE LIST and THE DAILY WEIGHT AND VITAL SIGN LIST. Just to make things more interesting, the VNA dietitian has added a few of her own: THE DIABETIC EXCHANGE LIST OF FOODS, THE WHERE AND HOW TO EAT AT A RESTAURANT LIST, and the ever popular FROZEN DINNER LIST of meals safe for Wendell to consume.

This list , which lately has become known as THE OVERDUE BILLS LIST, keeps coming to the surface no matter how often I try to bury it underneath the other lists.

THis one reminds me that the oil and tires need changed, and when the car insurance is due. If gas prices go much higher, we'll need a LIST OF ITEMS TO PUT IN OUR BACKPACK while we hike to the grocery store only to discover that I've left the GROCERY LIST at home on the table again!

This is different from the THINGS TO DO LIST in that I actually DO the things on this particular list: shower, get breakfast, get dressed, call my patients, call the insurance company, get the idea. Now I'm doing the same thing for Wendell, outlining what his requirements are for his day- Insulin, meds, breakfast, blood sugar testing times. One can really get bogged down by lists.

I have PATIENT LISTS, ADDRESS AND PHONE LISTS, and E-MAIL LISTS. Each of my jobs have separate lists of 'THINGS TO DO' that have to be accomplished in a definite time frame.

Now, with the many lists that I have, I have several that are dear to my heart.

This is the list on paper and in my head that reminds me to pray for friends and family and some folks I don't even know. The list is long, but I'm thankful that others ask me to pray. It seems to be what I do best and most often.

This one reminds me how thankful I am for so much and so many- for God's love and daily provisions, for my incredibly wonderful family and very special friends, employment, conveniences, brilliant physicians, and modern technology- many of these items can be also found on the next list , which is:
One I can't do without when I begin to feel sorry for myself, I start counting my blessings. It reminds me of how great a love the Father has for me personally and how very loved I really am by my family. My children are Christians, and grandchildren too. I have a warm and comfortable home with a roof over my head, food to nourish us every day, and so much more.

Lists can be vital to some of us..maybe I'm a little anal about them, I don't know, but I know I couldn't survive without them........ how many do you have?


Jane said...

When I write to-do lists I start with:
1. Write this list.
Then when I am finshed writing this list I can cross it off right away.

Jthemilker said...

Good one Aunt Jane.

I'm a List-er too. However I learned early in marriage that Keith does NOT like lists. I make one giant one in general and he says he feels like he has to accomplish the entire list and that causes frustration. I guess it is hard for him to feel good about crossing off one or two things when there is such a multitude of things to be done. SO - I keep the master list for myself and when it is OK with him... I give him his own tiny lists. This has proved to be good - except he does generally wait until the last minute to do everything. One I said to him "Why are you such a procrastinator?!!!" His reply "I don't know, can we talk about it tomorrow?" I rest my case.

Wendy said...

That is funny J.J. I make lists as well, I get satisfaction in crossing them off...I love schedules. I never thought of having a count your blessings list...that is "count your blessings" a bible quote, or just a general quote...i mean, maybe I really should be doing that. You know?

Jemit said...

The count your blessings list is one I actually keep in my head, not on paper. But it is true,and it helps when I'm feeling sad or stressed. I think about the kids or indoor plumbing or whatever..and realize that I have been blessed sooooo richly! That leads to the thanksgiving list..