Wednesday, April 05, 2006


"Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. " Matthew 11:28

I keep thinking I should be writing "This update is brought to you by..____" (fill in the blank)!
Well, there is good news again. Wendell has again lost - this time 5# !!! All right! He was up about 4 times last night diuresing- Atta boy! At this point, he's down a total of 13#. I must say, part of it has to be general body weight, as in following the diet with him, I've also lost a total of 9#.
This morning his oxygen sats are reading low again.. 84-87%- so back to the O2 for a while till he can catch up. Later, we rechecked, and it's reading 93%- much more acceptable.
We both slept in a bit this morning as the VNA nurse isn't coming till 11am or perhaps after.
The right leg holes that had been draining are now just making a tiny spot on the dressing, so I put just one 4x4 on this morning. The left one which drained copiously, still has a little bit of edema and continues to drain from the hole. All incisions are healing very nicely.
Well, it's cold this morning, and we are in sweats to keep us snuggy. I'll be thankful for spring
to be here permanently without the threat of snow every other day. I saw crocuses blooming at the neighbors house.. and our tulips are poking their lazy stems up through the ground. Can't wait to see the green come back!
All in all, God is blessing us every day in every way. Keep praying-


Jane said...

Isn't Wendell on o2 overnight? Why would his sats be low in the am?

Jemit said...

Funny you should ask. Yes, he does use the O2 at night.. so it was quite the mystery why his sats come up so low every morning. The VNA nurse and I discussed possible reasons for this.. and then went in and checked it out.
We discovered that his hands are not particularly warm and we got another nasty 82% reading right after he took his O2 off. It should have been a lot higher..then I said "Let's try taking off his sock and putting it on his warm toes".. so we did .. and guess what? 94%
So from now on, we'll put the oximeter probe on the toe, not the fingers!