Tuesday, April 11, 2006


" You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. " Psalm 16:11

Just a quick note here.... I'm pressed for time and have to work again today at the hospital.
All is well.. Wendell took a walk on his own yesterday (no oxygen tank). He walked all the way to the mailbox and back without difficulty. It was the first thing he told me this morning. I sensed he felt quite proud of himself in that endeavor. We'll see how far he goes today.

RATS! The new coffee pot blew up! We are using instant for the time being, with/without caffeine. It's a bear. Mandy brought us John's ice tea maker, so we are enjoying fresh decaf iced tea daily.

Not much news here.. have a glorious day.... Keep praying!


Jthemilker said...

Your NEW coffee pot blew up? What happened? That was a nice one!

Jemit said...

you are right.....it WAS a nice one, but it stopped pumping the water.. it took 2 hours to make about a cup. I went out and bought decaf instant for Wendell and I had a little Folgers regular that I have been using- also instant. But I miss the fresh brewed coffee in the morning. I had it on my list to buy a can, but then the pot gave out, so I just bought the instant stuff.
It's not terrible.... just not the same.