Monday, April 10, 2006


"8 I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices, my body also will rest secure, 10 because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. 11 You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand" . Psalm 16: 8-11

I love the Psalms. They can meet about any occasion in my life with a message. There are Psalms that support me when I grieve, when I'm happy and just want to praise God for all the blessings He gives to me, or just to read to raise my spirits when I feel low. When I'm in trouble, there is comfort and reassurance in the Psalms.
We sing the Psalms (as was meant to be done) and in singing them over the decades, the words have been bound to my heart so that I can bring them to mind in most any situation.

Good morning! Hope your day is a bright and cheery one. It should be in the low 60s today- ahhhhhh......SPRING HAS SPRUNG !!!!!!
Yesterday was a relaxing one for the most part. Wendell and I took a walk outside. Each time he walks, there is improvement- a little farther each time, a little longer walk time-wise too.
Yesterday he opted for not 'wearing' the oxygen, but carrying it with us as he walked. No shortness of breath noted. Now, THAT'S an improvement. We walk slowly, no power walking here, but each step strengthens the muscles that will enable him to return to his job in another 9 weeks and in 2 weeks, we'll be making the trip to church again, Lord willing.
He was tired after the walk, and spent the rest of the afternoon napping and restoring his energy.

Today and tomorrw I'll be working at the hospital in the afternoon. Wendell will be on his own during that time. I haven't asked anyone to come to stay with him, but he'll be able to manage alone for an evening or two.

Amy isn't feeling well - fever, aching, etc.. add her to your prayer list, if you would. She has the kids to care for and home-school. They might just have to take a sick day today. Paul is to be working and she'll need a lot of strength to get through today.

I talked to Nicki last evening- she promises pictures as soon as they get to Brendon's house.
She's headed for Chicago again for continuing treatment. Uphold her with prayer too, please.

Last evening Mandy said she and John have finally set a date for their wedding ceremony. It'll be May 5. They are taking the following week off for a honeymoon up near where Valentines live. We are so happy and delighted for them- please remember them with prayer also.

That's the news for today.... gonna be a busy week again- keep praying!

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