Wednesday, April 19, 2006


"My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise." Psalm 57:7

Good morning! It's Wednesday. Already I have had 2 little girls sing Happy Birthday to me!
It is just the best part of my day so far. I'm certainly looking forward to a far less exciting day today.
As you probably can imagine, I was awake during the night and staring out the kitchen window looking for any sign of fire. Satisfied there was none, I went back to bed praying there would be no cry of alarm during the rest of the night. I slept peacefully thereafter.

VNA called yesterday to affirm that Wendell didn't have to do the monitoring any more. Of course, this morning he again registered 88% for oxygen saturation, but by now you would surely think that they would understand that the readings are incorrect. I retested him after it transmitted, and it read 97%. Pretty good. We may hear from them again, but hopefully this time it will be to come to remove the monitor.
With his changes in insulin, his blood sugars are fairly stable most of the time. He'll be continuing checking 4 times a day until it evens out all day.

The sun is shining brightly this morning. All is well again. Keep praying!

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