Thursday, April 27, 2006


Ahhhhhhh Spring! I love spring. It's my favorite season of all. I love all the new growth, flowers, and trees in bud. I don't much care for the pollen in the air, but I can deal with that. It means no snow for another 6 months at least.. and no icy roads! Yippee!!!
Spring also is the time that most people start to clean out their homes of all the riffraff and junk they accumulated over the last year. Garage sales are starting to pop up all over!
I don't do garage sales myself, though with all my 'treasures', I'm sure I'd make a fortune.
I'm a packrat basically, and need to learn to NOT keep every little scrap of paper 'just in case I might need it' next year. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I had it organized, but most of it gets 'filed' in my bedroom or on the kitchen table or the file cabinet- in no order whatsoever.
I DO know where all the books on genealogy are, and those are neatly organized. And all the pictures I've accumulated, in the thousands, are in Rubbermaid tubs waiting to be dealt with in one way or another. I guess it's a matter of priority here.
So I'm designating tomorrow as 'spring cleaning' opening day. I don't have enough funds to do any shopping, so I'll make the best of my day off by trying to sort through some of the *treasures*.... especially in my bedroom. This is not a task for the faint of heart.
It's a monumental task that will last for weeks likely. Like a mountain, it can't be climbed in one session.
One of the problems with cleaning in my bedroom is that there are so many 'little things' that cry out for my attention.. ie.. JJ's 2nd grade school picture, or Mom's graduation announcement, or any number of other bits of memorobilia. I try to stifle these things by encasing them in more Rubbermaid tubs to be sorted later when I finally have time. One day, I'm going to sit down and actually look through these boxes and try to decide what to keep and what I can part with.
I am planning to get rid of the bed. It's too high and too big for our bedroom, and has gotten bigger since we bought it years ago when we built the house. The closets have shrunken too. Amazing. Hopefully by the time I'm done, the walls will be repainted and the curtains replaced, and another bed will take the place of the monster that is now there.
Mandy is going to move the cedar chest to her room, so that will be a relief also. One more surface that one can't drop their 'stuff' on. I wonder what is actually in the chest? I haven't opened it for years. (too covered with 'stuff'). I know my wedding dress is in it, and a few craft things, but wonder what else? We should have a grand opening and see on some rainy day.

The kitchen and bathroom come next.... but I think I'll stick to one project at a time.


Jthemilker said...

Something to add to your "To Do List" for today:

- Gather together your dirty laundry. I'll stop tonight on my way home and pick it up.

- Is there anything else you need?

Wendy said...

You can come by and get my dirty laundry too :)

Jthemilker said...

I'll get right on that. OK. :)