Friday, April 14, 2006


"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable." Isaiah 40:28

It's Friday. It has been raining all night, and my joints ache- all of them. Wendell says he's sore too. UGH. I didn't want to get up this morning, but the lady in the black box was calling, and so Wendell and I comply. Vital signs are stable and blood sugar is normal.
I'm so glad I am not scheduled to work today- it's a rare Friday that I don't work at the hospital.
I'm probably more weary today than I have been for a while. I'm sure the rain has a lot to do with it. Even Charlie's roosters aren't anxious to crow this morning, and their efforts are only slightly better than miserable.

This would be Good Friday- the commemoration of the death of our Lord Jesus, who also was raised from the dead on Easter morning. Awesome. I have to work this weekend. I wish we were able to be in church Sabbath- it's Easter, and though I have my own feelings about celebrating Easter every day of my life and not on just one day a year, there is also the need to be there and be a part of the worship service. It feels like we've been away for months, and we both miss it. I suppose we'll be asked to sign the guest book when we finally get back next week.
Have a wonderful day.. look beyond the rain.. Keep praying!


Wendy said...

Mom, just reading your entry made me feel as dismal as you must something cheerful to boost your spirits....:)

Jemit said...

I'm laughing as I read your comment.. I'm not feeling dismal, but more like soggy tired.. hehehe

Jthemilker said...

I love your daily Bible verses. When we were in KY, I always had my Bible beside my desk so I put them in my e-mails all the time. Now I study upstairs and compute downstairs. I remember some of the verses, but not the references usually...

I gotta do that - It's great!

Oh happy day!

Vinnie said...

The sun is not shining here, either. And it's 3:20PM. Such is Pittsburgh.

I'm so glad to have your blog to read!