Tuesday, April 11, 2006


"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiates 3:1

Uh-oh......it's ESSAY TIME again !!

"TIME'S UP !!!"

Familiar? Yep.. that's me, I never seem to have enough time. Sometimes I wish for just a little more so I can spend it doing something I really like. But- I'm "wasting my time" thinking this way. No one can add or subtract an hour from a day.
I have so many time saving tools, I wonder if I could take all the time I've saved, and put it in an account somewhere?
"I'd like to deposit 2 hours to my account, please."..
Well, time IS like money in a way. Spent well, it can be very profitable. Spent poorly, one can really lose badly in the end. I think I'm in the middle- I tend to waste time, but the time I use well tends to make up for the time I waste.
We are all regulated by time and the consequences for not abiding by it. Without time schedules, everyone and everything would be in chaos.
Imagine everyone arriving at work whenever they pleased- perhaps a whole office would show up at 2pm, and no one in the morning? Or students arriving at school at arbitrary times could stay for 48 hours and have a long weekend- but the time would be wasted after the first 8 hours there. No one would learn anything.
We can't take back time or turn back the clock to another day or time to recoup our losses.
Eternity is time without end- a different kind of time- No clocks, no minutes, hours or seconds.
God works by that time. From the beginning to eternity, His time is unending.

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