Thursday, January 11, 2007


I'm not sure I spelled that correctly, but at this point I just wanted to look at a picture of something quite beautiful and smile. It's been a rough day. Things went well, but not well in other ways. I'm exhausted. 9 hours on my feet with a 10 min break has done me in for the day. I put all my paperwork away and will look at it over the weekend.

When we got this land where our house sits, we were told it was probably the richest soil around. It is yet. No matter what we plant, it grows well. Charlie has taken over a plot for the garden for many years now, and has learned how to revitalize the soil. Sometimes he plants big sections of grains to kill weeds, and then tills the crop under to nourish the soil.. he's an amazing farmer. We like what he does and what he plants. Now that Mandy and John own it all, they still enjoy and encourage Charlie to keep up the garden.. it's so lovely to walk through in the summer when the flowers are all blooming.

Gonna take a nap..

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