Friday, January 26, 2007


The house is cold, but my room is very comfortable. I left the little heater set to come on when the temperature dropped below 65.. and only set on low. The temperature outside at this moment is a measly 6 degrees.. and should be all of 26 degrees for the high today. I hope the snow is done- we got about 3" total.. Mandy got home around 9pm last evening and said roads were fine.
I am gainfully employed this evening.
It's 8am.. I had a lot to blog when I started, but now seem to be mentally challenged as to what I was going to say. I think I was thinking about our congress.. how they seem to be pulled in so many directions at the same time.. no organization.. that they are so swayed by "national polls" which everyone knows are biased..
When's the last time YOU were asked 'how do you think the war is going?' or 'how do you think the President is doing?'... it annoyed me yesterday listening to the news and hearing that the 'American public has spoken and said thus and so'... NOBODY ASKED ME MY OPINION - were you among those who were asked?
Polls are slanted no matter who takes them.. you can make them say what you want them to prove just by being selective about who you ask the questions. Now, my suggestion would be that our congress should go back to their own constituants and talk to them.. door to door if necessary.. we need to be calling them , writing to them and letting them know that there is other than general polls that should be making decisions for our future..
and get back to work.. doing their job instead of trying to act like important 'mini president wannabe's each one. It is distressing that they have forgotten they were elected as PUBLIC SERVANTS .. Elections were only 3 months ago and already the arrogance is flowing and about to drown the normal hard working people.
The problem doesnt' seem to be the system, but the ones who are elected to those positions don't know their duties to the public and are too busy trying to make a name for themselves.. like.. 'the guy who can bash the highest office in the land the most and get the most press'. I heard one politician say of the President that he wasn't listening.. well, I say, the congressmen aren't listening to the people either.. Get your act together.
You are elected to serve the people, not your own agendas. I'm finding the lot of our congressmen obnoxious.
I guess before I get off my soapbox I need to make one more statement. Things just seem to get under my skin.
It is the congress who is given the task of declaring or not declaring war.. they did so. That ends their job on that issue. The President is to operate the war that congress has declared. So why is our congress trying to do the President's job?
Have a wonderful day.. I'm going back to bed for another hour.

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