Saturday, April 01, 2006


"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3
It's a beautiful but drizzly cool day here in Butler PA. The sun is not shining outside, but inside, we are happy and content.
Wendell is on the mend. God has blessed me with sustaining my husband when by rights he shouldn't even be in this world.We both praise God for his mercy and love for us.
His blood sugar is down again this morning, and he is being very compliant this time around. He's learning the hard way, but at least he's learning.He's healing.. the 5 incisions on his legs are pulling, pinching and tugging- a sign that they need to be removed- and they will be on this coming Tuesday morning. The 2 drain holes still drain a bit, but less than yesterday. Each day a little less.He's feeling pretty good today. His monitor says he's lost 2 # since yesterday. That's fluid weight. He's breathing easier too.
God has blessed us with the most wonderful and delightful children. Each one is using his/her gifts to bless us. JJ and Keith have done our laundry- a daunting task since neither of us has been able to do the bulk of it since last December. I could only do things by hand. JJ took bags of comforters, clothes and whatever she could to wash and returned it all to be put away and/or hung up. Keith spent last Thursday with Wendell while I was at the office working a half day. He made sure Wendell was cared for and even made lunch for him...... next time, put the potato in the microwave and hit the "potato" button.. it will cook. (hehehe) He's even volunteered for this Thursday. A gem for sure.
When I didn't have enough foresight to know that Wendell would require a separate room for recovering, JJ, Keith, Mandy, and Paul took over and prepared a place for him within 2 days. Mandy has been bringing home food and bought us a new toaster so Wendell could have his toast this morning. She made supper last night- lemon chicken....mmmmmmmm salt free, but delicious!
With all that has been going on, I couldn't possibly make all the phone calls or write all the emails needed to update the family....again, JJ, Wendy, Paul, Mandy, Jane, and our pastor Vince were right there making the calls and writing the emails to keep our families and friends informed.
Then Wendy calls almost every day and the kids talk to Wendell. Gaylie sings to him and makes him laugh- good medicine. He's hoping to see the Blair grandkids this weekend. He's talked to them on the phone too.. Daniel says "Get better soon , Grampa. I'm praying for you". ALL of the children/grandchildren are praying.
I think prayer has been the most important thing of all. Each day I pray will be a better one, more healing evident, and that we will be supplied our 'daily bread'.
It boggles my mind when I hear of all the friends and family and extensions of these who are praying for us. One cannot thank you all enough.. but only return the honor to you. God has been the undergirding strength of our lives. If you don't think your prayers are effectual, think again.
To actually FEEL God's presence when you think there is nothing more anyone human can do.. when I was tired and feeling alone, He was there. To be comforted when I started to feel that anxiety and the 'what ifs...' began to surround me... He was there. He uplifts us in so many ways. Perhaps a phone call from Dieter or Jane or maybe baby Gayle..or Esther or Daniel..any one of the little ones we love so much.. all the little things add up and lift us up. And these things come from our Lord- He knows our needs and supplies us every day. So YOUR prayer is important. When I'm so exhausted that I can't think on my own to pray- I rely on YOU to do that for me, and you all have done so.
I thank the Lord for you daily.

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