Sunday, December 31, 2006


Today is December 31, 2006. It is entirely possible that I'll not blog again until January of 2007. We are within hours of that date. It's hard to fathom that the entire 365 days has passed already, and a new year is well on it's way. So much has transpired, and life has gone on.
I am noticing the days getting longer now. More daylight in the evenings. It's not a huge difference, but it's there..a few extra minutes.
Today is #3 at gainful employment. I had a sort of offer from another secretary to work NY day for me. We'll see. He volunteered out of the clear blue sky..I didn't ask for assistance, though I've had my name in for an off day or at least downsizing. I'm starting to feel it even before going today. I feel like it's going to rain- joints are aching that way..Wendell is also feeling it, and has decided to not try to make the trip to the valley for church.
Tonite I'll be putting on the pork roast and anticipation of a NY meal tomorrow at lunch. We leave the food on till everyone shows up- we're using the big roaster this year, and the crock pot full of mashed potatoes- real ones.. not from a box.
The coming year will be bringing changes to our lives. A new home, Wendell's retirement, and 2 new grandchildren top the list for the moment. I'm biding my time till I can retire- it's been my desire for a long time.
I'm so thankful for my gainful employment, however- it provides the benefits we need so desperately.. and so I continue working outside the home.
The coffee pot sounds like it's done brewing...I'm off to get a cup and then ready for work.
God bless you all.

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