Thursday, December 28, 2006


Norovirus is also known as 'stomach flu', but is not influenza. The norovirus is rampant here where we live and has caused at least one unit of the local hospital to cease admissions until proper sanitation could be applied.

It can affect anyone and there is no vaccine or immunization available.

Symptoms are the acute and severe onset of vomiting and non-bloody diarrhea. One is contagious from the onset of symptoms to three days after symptoms subside, but sometimes up to 2 weeks. If you handle food, you shouldn't do so for 3 days after you recover from the bug.

What can be done? Wash your hands frequently.. and foods.. fruits and veggies.
Use household bleach to clean surfaces that might have been contaminated. Also, bed linens need to be washed in hot soapy water and dried in a dryer.

Norovirus causes loss of fluids from the body and electrolytes. Dehydration can be a real problem. Replace fluids orally as soon as you are able.

Stay healthy!

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